Essays    •    About

Matt Maiale

About   •   Writing

Hey friends! I'm currently living in New York City where I spend most of my free-time running with the Brooklyn Track Club, hanging on my fire escape, learning Spanish, and writing.
By day I run marketing at a startup, but am most energized by philosophy, spirituality, and all things psychology.

I'm planning to soon pivot into a mental health career, but in the meantime am learning more about myself through meditation, solo traveling, and reflection writing.

Recently I've been exploring topics around existentialism, self-compassion, and vulnerability. I hope that some of my writing below resonates :)

recent essays

not becoming, just being Reflection

ego is NOT the enemy Psychology

the narratives that run our lives Reflection

in God we drink Criticism

fighting to be an optimist Reflection

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what i'm vibing to recently